RA Project – Amelia’s first flight
There are projects that are bound to take off. Literally.
And there are projects that fly better because they are based on the great collaboration between companies and academics.
LMA supported the Student Flyteam ” Icarus Polito ” of the Politecnico of Turin in the initial stages of design and then sponsored the project of the prototype “Amelia”, providing also the winglets in additive manufacturing. And finally Amelia has made its first flight!
And it’s just one of the great projects of “Icarus Polito”: an electric aircraft, a UAV-RA (Record Aircraft) that in the final phase of the project will be powered by solar panels. In the next tests, thanks to an advanced flight simulator based on the management of weather data, “Amelia” will prepare for a truly exciting challenge: an ocean crossing really “full green”.
The collaboration with the Flyteam will be realized also through the presence in LMA of the Student Team, invited to refine their projects in the Hub managed by our R&D Department.
Another journey in the name of networking, where the talent of young people meets the experience of professionals!