DART Project

The DART project that revolves around the design and creation of a solid propellant rocket model. The ultimate goal of the project is to break the record of 2500m of apogee. In the longer term, the DART division also plans to develop several engine architectures, with different configurations aimed at the possibility of studying a […]

ACC Project

The ACC project is the main ICARUS PoliTO project. It was born around the homonymous biennial university competition, the Air Cargo Challenge. The ACC Team division develops and builds an UAV with specific characteristics to race in the competition, which develops on kilometer and hourly efficiency, in addition to the transport of a defined payload. […]

IT Area

Beside the ACC, RA and DART projects, ICARUS PoliTO presents a solid IT Area, which deals with all the electronic and computer systems necessary for the supervision and control of the various aircraft, thus allowing the validation of the projects and the optimization performance. Currently, the IT Area of ICARUS PoliTO is mainly working on […]